Author Archives: Hiba Casablanca

Fight Pyne’s attack on education

Australia has some of the best universities in the world. They are open to everyone, of high quality and contribute to the productivity and future of our country.

The new Federal Minister for Education Christopher Pyne has announced his intention to radically change our university system, potentially disadvantaging students and young people on Australia’s university campuses.

Minister Pyne wants to:

  • Abandon the demand driven model for student enrolments, meaning hundreds of thousands of students will miss out on tertiary education
  • Scrap the Student Services and Amenities Fee, which will see important welfare and education support services cut, campus clubs and societies dry up and student representation suffer.
  • Abolish the target that would see 40% of Australians with a tertiary degree by 2025

Send Minister Pyne a message to tell him that we won’t stand silently by while he winds the clock back on education reform over here



Update on Trans* Awareness Campaign

Someone has posted the NUS Trans* Awareness Campaign to Tumblr after seeing it at the University of Sydney and it now has over 50,000 notes on it. Seems like people were just waiting for something like this! Let us know if you have not yet got stickers up at your uni campus and we will send some out to you, email us at

Check it out over here:


sticker photos 1

sticker photos 2

Post-election Equal Marriage rallies

There are already two protests planned against Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s homophobia. Please do what you can to get these events out there as soon as possible. Sydney and Brisbane are organised, we will keep you updated on any other cities as they appear.
equal marriage fuck tony abbottc

Unlock Your Vote ‘Tweet-Up’

We’re excited to announce that The Australian Greens Leader Christine Milne is joining the #unlockyourvote campaign, giving you an hour of her time to respond to your Twitter questions.

Join us live on Twitter between 4-5pm on Tuesday 27August using @SenatorMilne and #unlockyourvote, or if you can’t make it then, submit your question at

Stay tuned for more #unlockyourvote Twitter debates, as we continue to push for Tony Abbott and Kevin Rudd and Labor to answer your questions about what matters to you.


My Future, Our Voice: Unlock Your Vote

mfov flyer header

The Australian federal election is coming up fast and its result will shape the future of the country. 

Right now, politicians are talking about policies that will affect our future. We must not be locked out of the conversation.

No one is asking what matters to us. 

Should we legislate equal marriage? How should we treat asylum seekers coming to Australia? Do we keep a price on carbon? What is the alternative to the national broadband network? Which is the best party to deliver the best funding schemes for our education system?

Will we be a smart, compassionate country? 

You have answers to these questions. It’s time to unlock your vote. We’re challenging you to help us set the agenda. We’re going to do it on our terms, for our future. And you can do that with your vote.

mfov marriage

Here’s what you can do:

1. Enrol to vote

It is too easy to be cynical about politics, but voting gives you a voice on the issues that matter to you. It’s vital that as many students and young people as possible vote. You can now conveniently do so online: The rolls close on Monday 12th August at 8pm!

2. Tell us your top issues

NUS is challenging you to help set the election agenda in 2013. Log onto and tell us what top five issues matter to you this election.

3. Join the campaign

Keep up to date on the campaign and what the pollies are saying about the policies that matter to you.

4. Take action

As the election date nears, stay tuned for the release of the youth agenda (as voted by you) and your chance to send a message to Canberra with our Instagram action.

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10 ways to engage with the NUS Queer Department

Welcome back to uni for semester 2! If you’ve been looking for ways to engage with the NUS Queer Department and take part in national action on queer student issues, here’s a handy (but not exhaustive) list of some ways to do so:

Get connected

1. Like our Facebook page, follow on Twitter, and check out our WordPress blog for updates. If you’re a queer student representative or collective organiser you can also be added to our email list and Facebook group, just email us at to be added.

2. Add your local queer student and queer ally events to the national queer student event calendar for free promo! Email the details to

3. Find your local queer student representative or collective and chat with them about how they can also get more involved nationally. If your rep or collective isn’t on the list or needs updating email us at

Take action

4. Submit a photo or video message for the Pride Not Prejudice campaign on why you’re proud to be a queer student or ally and/or why you challenge queerphobia and prejudice. Submit to

5. Grab some posters and stickers to put up around your campus. We have posters and stickers for the Pride Not Prejudice campaign that we can post to you for free, and will soon distribute materials for an Intersex, Sex and/or Gender diverse student campaign for gender neutral bathroom around the country. Email to have some posted to you.

6. Run an event on your campus. Examples include a stall to collect Pride Not Prejudice photo and video messages, a collective sticker or poster blitz, a visibility event in public or a speakout for queer student rights, an educational workshop (such as trialling our ‘Inclusive Queer Spaces’ workshops, email for details of the trial), or a social/networking event, the possibilities are endless. Send your photos to we would love to share what other queer students are doing around the country.

Have a say

7. Write a post for our blog on your experiences as a queer student and strike up a national conversation. Submit your ideas or pieces to

8. Join the resource-writing working group to help write and design resources and info packs for queer students around the country. To join up email

9. Register to take part in a feedback phone link-up to help design and provide feedback on our Semester 2 campaigns. Email to express your interest in participating.

10. Let us know about what issues you’re facing at your campus and seek support by emailing us at or calling us on 0434 848 064 (Hiba) and 0405 770 302 (Cat).

As you can see, there’re a wide range of ways for you to get involved in the queer student activism nationally. The NUS Queer Department’s strength, though, comes from our individual queer students, allies, collectives and clubs coming together to work on common goals so the department is what you make of it, please take part!



Queer Collaborations workshops

Queer Collaborations Conference, an annual national queer conference, is coming up soon this July 7th-14th. If you have a skill or an area of interest that you’d like to share with other conference attendees, please register to run a workshop! It’s a great way to take part in peer-education and connect with other queer people from around the country.

Check out further details on how to register over here or email


Querelle Magazine submissions closing soon

Do you have art, prose, poetry, or other writing that you would like to share with the world? “Querelle”, an annual national queer student publication, is still taking submissions! Please email them at by June 27th to be immortalised in the print version, or be included later in the online version.



Today is International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT), a global day of action to end discrimination and violence against queer people. Uni campuses around Australia are hosting events and actions today:

Please take a few minutes out of your day to think about what makes you proud to be a queer student or ally and why you challenge prejudice and queerphobia, and send us a photo or video message at


Submit your writing!

Our blog is open for submissions by queer students on topics that relate to queer identities, queer issues, or experiences as queer people. We’d love to get a dialogue happening and channeling queer student voices on a national level, so please submit! If you have written a piece or are interested in doing so, please email us at


IDAHOT: International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia 2013

IDAHOT is a global day of action against homophobia, transphobia, biphobia and other forms of discrimination, marginalisation and violence that queer people experience. In addition to raising awareness of queerphobia and being a rallying point for people around the world to take action to combat it, May 17th also commemorates the day that the World Health Organisation removed homosexuality from the International Classification of Diseases.

During the week of May 17th 2013 queer students, staff and allies around Australia will be holding events and actions at their universities that aim to raise awareness of queerphobia on campuses and challenge it.

More more details check out the NUS IDAHOT Week Facebook event page.

IDAHOT event page pic

Friday 17th May:

– Monday 13th May:
– Wednesday May 15th: “Make a Badge and Make a Statement”
The Deakin Allies have organised a badge making machine and everyone is invited to come along and make a badge against homophobia. A photo will be taken of the badge and a collage poster will be put together of all the statements.
– Friday May 17th: “Deakin’s Rainbow Walkway”
Rainbow chalk, fairy floss and popcorn! Contribute to the rainbow walkway in solidarity of the one taken down in Sydney.

– Friday 17th May 11.00am:
– Friday 17th May 12.00pm:
– Friday 17th May 12.30pm:

Friday 17th May:

Friday 17th May:

Friday 17th May:

– Tuesday 14th: “Chalk Rainbow day”
Starting around 11:30 in the Queer room, then heading up towards Bush Court to cover both of our locations.
– Thursday 16th: IDAHOT bake sale
If you have any good recipes you’d like to bring along, that would be awesome, if not, just make sure you bring along some friends with a sweet tooth and a fat wallet.
– Friday 17th: “Fight the Homophobia Web Virus”
If you’re feeling supportive, post something on Facebook, Twitter, blogs, Tumblr, Instagram, or anywhere else you can that will have a big impact.
– Friday 17th: IDAHOT party

– Friday 17th May 10.00am-3.00pm: Kelvin Grove Campus, outside C Block.
Queer Collective stall featuring performers and visual spectacles.
– Saturday 18th May:

– Monday 13th May to Friday 17th May:

Friday 17th 12.00pm-2.00pm at the Central Courtyard
Free BBQ and poster-making for the “Free To Be Me @ UNE” campaign (all supplies will be provided)

– Friday 17th May 12.00pm: Queer Collective meeting, Carden Room.
– Friday 17th May 2.00pm: Visibility Picnic by the lake.

Friday 17th May:

– Wednesday 15th May:
– Friday 17th May:

Friday 17th May 11:30am-2:30pm on the McKinnon Lawn
BBQ, bake sale, performers and free customised IDAHOT wrist bands to give away. Contact Andy Hogan on 0406904118 or

(Please email the details of your local events to or post on the page below.)

Queer Collaborations Conference 2013

Registration is now open!


(Please note: the Queer Collaborations Conference organisers have changed the dates and their conference will no longer be held on the 3rd-9th July, it will now be taking place on the 8th-14th July. This now clashes with NUS Education Conference being held in Adelaide on 10th-12th July, and the Queer Collaborations Conference organisers sincerely apologise for the inconvenience this causes.)

Equal marriage rallies

France & NZ have passed equal marriage in the past week joining a list of now 14 countries to do so. When will Australia catch up? Join the rallies happening around the country in May to speak up:








Snap actions against funding cuts!

The recently announced cuts to higher education will affect all students, including queer students. $900 million will be cut in addition to students being required to repay government scholarships meaning up to 37% more debt and more than a decade of student loan repayments once we finish our studies.

Don’t take these cuts quietly, speak up and join your local actions happening today and in the coming weeks around the country!









Don’t pay more for less. #NDA2013 #InvestInUnis

Pride Not Prejudice

What Makes You Proud? Why Do You Challenge Prejudice?

The NUS Queer Department is seeking photo and video messages from queer students and allies around Australia on what makes them proud to be queer or an ally and why they challenge prejudice and queerphobia.

Please send your photos and video messages to!

Pride Not Prejudice poster

Today’s the day: NUS National Day of Action 2013!

Today students are gathering around Australia in their capital cities to fight course cuts, deregulation of fees and demand that the government invest more into education.

Check out the details of your capital city’s actions below or over here on Facebook.

Education changes lives. Our education is not for profit. #NDA2013

NDA ad


Poll: a new NUS ‘Queery’ virtual discussion group

Would you be interested in participating in a national queer virtual discussion group via Twitter? There would be weekly themes/topics facilitated by the NUS National Queer Officers and a forum portion to ask the NUS Queer Department questions or give feedback.


Do you have a queer student or queer student ally event happening in Australia in 2013 that you’d like to promote? Then send us the details to and we’ll add it to the calendar!

Coming soon…

google calendar

Snap action: rally against Mardi Gras police brutality

Were you shocked by the police brutality that occurred at Mardi Gras? If so:

  • Please sign this online petition calling for NSW Police Minister Michael Gallacher to order an independent inquiry into the incident.
  • If you will be in Sydney tomorrow join the rally happening at Taylor Square at 6pm.

sydney mardi gras police brutality

Plans for 2013

Wondering what the NUS Queer Department has lined up for the year? We have a plan jam-packed with great campaigns and projects that everyone can get involved in! Check them out under the Campaigns page of this blog or over here.

If you’d like to get involved in any of the campaigns or projects please contact us.

act now create change logo


Welcome to all of the new and returning queer students and allies to universities around Australia!

I hope that you have had/are having/will have a fantastic Orientation Week and find ways to engage with your campus queer department, club or ally network.

If you’re new to uni or have any questions relation to identifying as queer or how to be an ally while at uni feel free to contact us and we can link you in with your local queer department, club or ally network.

Check out some of our O-Week photos at our Facebook page, and send us your own at to share the love.

o-week la trobe


Do you want to show the world how proud you are to identify as queer or as a queer ally, celebrate the achievements of queer people and promote a queer inclusive community? Then join queer students and allies from Victoria and NSW in the following events:

NUS cross-campus Victorian Pride March delegation

NSW cross-campus Mardi Gras float

University of Sydney Mardis Gras float

If you’re in another state or territory and are interested in organising similar events please contact us.

Check out the photos from the march on our Facebook page!



Welcome to the new blog of the National Union of Students (NUS) Queer Department! The purpose of this blog is to provide a platform for queer students around Australia to share their stories and views and debate ideas relevant to our community. It’ll also keep you updated on the activities and campaigns of the NUS Queer Department in 2013.

So, what is the NUS Queer Department? We represent Australian students that identify as queer, that is: gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, asexual, trans*, intersex, sex and/or gender diverse, or not conforming to the norms of gender identity and/or sexuality, and those questioning their gender identity and/or sexuality. We aim to support queer students around the country, improve their welfare and safety, challenge queer phobia and discrimination based on gender or sexuality, and ensure that universities provide them with the services they need. We try to do this through running national campaigns, working with queer student representatives at campuses, training queer student activists, developing and distributing resources, and lobbying universities and government.

get active logo

If you have any questions, require support, or have a great idea you’d like to share with us please feel free to contact the 2013 National Queer Officers in any of the following ways:

Phone: 0434 848 064 (Hiba Casablanca) and 0405 770 302 (Cat Rose)



Twitter: @NUS_Queer